I’ve still got a lot of “lost art” in my Magatama folder (fanart with unknown artists collected through the years). While I figure out what to do with them, I’ll share some cool DSWC fanart that I found on Oekaki Art and Pixiv (Japanese art galleries).
http://oekakiart.net/rogu/c/iracon008/html/0059.html — a lovely digital painting in soft CG style featuring Saya and Chihaya, Torihiko, Lady Iwa, Princess Teruhi, and Prince Tsukishiro.
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=3350684 I’m afraid you’ll need an account to full-view on Pixiv, but here’s the thumbnail for you to enjoy. A sweet watercolor painting of the cast of Dragon Sword and Wind Child.